Whether it was for personal fitness or getting to a big fall race, for many of us, our summer training cycle is complete. We’ve rewarded ourselves, celebrated… Enter the dreaded/beloved ~~ In-Between Period ~~
Maybe you start questioning before each run – do I want to run OR do I want to ______ (snooze, eat this donut, watch another episode, etc.) What do YOU choose?
We have some suggestions for our Royal Members:
1) Come and join us at our upcoming events.
The end of the calendar year brings opportunities to get together with friends and family, eat comforting meals and drink merrily. Our every-growing running family is no different!
- November Royal Court. On Monday November 23rd @99 Rogers from 7:30pm onwards. Come let’s talk of winter runs & treat our parched lips to some delicious brew! RSVP on Facebook!
- 2nd Annual Royal Winter Runderland. On Friday December 18th. Celebrate the end of an awesome year of CHRC running. RSVP on Facebook!
2) Give back to Running.
#CHRCWomen supports the mission of Girls on the Run. On Sunday December 6th on Randall’s Island, Join us as a Runner (accompanying 3rd-5th graders complete their first 5k!) or Volunteer for this incredibly special day for the girls in our program! Register now at www.gotrnyc.org/5kinfo.
3) Running and Racing in the winter is FUN! 
Not only do you get bragging rights and look like a badass, you get to recover with hot cocoa and pie. What else could you want?
#CHRCWomen and #CHRCMen, the final NYRR Club Points Race of the year still has space for you! Sign up and run with us at the Ted Corbitt 15K on Saturday December 12. Let’s end the year with a bang!