Pumpkin Season, Pumpin’ Schedule!

Our beloved Safety Squire, and Leader of Run Leaders, Liz has put out the new Group Run Schedule. Bring out those long sleeves and buffs but keep those runners on for this cooler weather that’s perfect for what we love to do!


1. AWESOME JOB to everyone who raced this weekend.sihm

2. Here’s the hotly anticipated* fall schedule! This will be effective through December. If there’s a run cancellation (for weather or coverage reasons) you will know by 5pm the night before – check the Facebook Group or the schedule page if you’re not sure.

Sunday Trails @ 11am, Grand Army Plaza (Joey/Josh)
Tuesday Stamina @ 7:30pm, GAP (Rachael/James/Kay)
Thursday Run&Some @ 6:30am, Nostrand/Fulton (Kristen)
FridayFive @ 6:30am, Franklin/Eastern Parkway (Nick/Sunny)
Saturday Long One @ 8:00am, see calendar/website/Facebook post for meetup points (Nate/Kay/Spencer/guests)

3. Monday Easy/Newbie Runs are on a temporary hiatus.
We will also have a few new member specific runs to be scheduled Keep an eye out for those! (note: new members are welcome at every run, so no need to wait for a special new member run to join us).

4. As always, feel free to post in the Facebook Group if you’d like an impromptu run buddy! (And safety first– no crossing against red lights etc.)

5. If you would like to be a run leader, we would love for you to join this team-oriented committee! All members are encouraged to participate as a run leader no matter your pace or experience level. Please speak to Liz about what you might be interested in leading.

*this might be an exaggeration