How much does it cost to join CHRC? 

NOTHING! That’s right, it’s totally, 100% free to run with us. Occasionally, social events will have a cost associated, but we have made it part of our mission to keep our club free to all members. 

Where do you run?

The majority of our runs are in Brooklyn’s Backyard, Prospect Park! Our long runs take us all over Brooklyn, Queens, and Manhattan. Check out our run schedule for more info! 

I’m a new runner. Can I join you?

Yes! Runners of all levels are welcome to join us. Our most beginner friendly run is our Thursday run/walk.

Some of your runs are listed as “all paces welcome.” What does that mean? Will someone be running my pace at every run?

We usually split up into several pace groups on our runs, and our run leaders are always making sure everyone has a pace buddy.

What if I can’t run the full listed distance?

No problem! Feel free to join us for as many miles as you’d like. If you do decide to dip out early, just let the Run Leader know. 

How does racing with CHRC work?

We’re a member club of New York Road Runners and love to support other local races, including NYCRuns events. If you’d like to race as a member of our team, just select “Crown Heights Running Club” as your club affiliation when signing up for a race. Our Slack has a channel dedicated to races, and members frequently travel to other cities, states, and even countries to race together. 

Where can I get one of those cool singlets I keep seeing at runs?

We open our gear shop 2-3 times a year, usually in the spring and in the fall. As a free running club, gear is our main source of income, and we sometimes have unsold gear leftover. If you’re interested in gear between shop openings (or if you want to help bring some cool gear to our members!) reach out to our merch team. 

I have a suggestion or feedback for the board.

Awesome! We love feedback. Submit your feedback here.