Last Chance Entry to the #AirBnBbkhalf!

#AirbnbBKHalf ALERT!

Did you miss the 52minute window to sign up for the NYRR BK Half happening this year on Saturday May 21?
With just under a month to go before the race start, here’s your chance to get in!

Airbnb is sponsoring TWO complimentary bib entries to new and dedicated Royal #CHRC members.

Amazing! How do you nab one of these bibs?

Do all of the above by 12:00PM aka NOON on Wednesday April 27!! That’s tomorrow! Absolutely no late entries will be accepted.

All entries will be entered in a random drawing and winners will be announced before the end of day.


**members are advised to enter the drawing only if they are able to run or walk 6miles comfortably as of 4/27/16**
**entrants must agree to NYRR’s Rules of Competition and Code of Conduct**